SENDAI -Towards a Disaster-Resilient and Environmentally-Friendly City


SENDAI -Towards a Disaster-Resilient and Environmentally-Friendly City

List of "Priorities 3 Investing in disaster risk reduction for resilience"

Prior investment in structural measures such as improving the earthquake resistance of critical facilities, constructing coastal embankments and evacuation facilities, and also in non-structural measures such as formulating disaster prevention plans and disaster prevention education, will protect our citizens, the environment and our assets from disasters, and enables us to achieve rapid recovery and reconstruction after disasters. This kind of prior investment in disaster risk reduction is more cost-effective than investing money after the disaster has occurred, and they must be actively pursued to strengthen a society’s capabilities to respond to disasters.

Disaster Prevention Photovoltaic System
Immediately after the disaster, electricity, gas and gasoline supplies were suspended, causing various problems during the initial ...
Greenhouse Gas Reduction Initiatives in Households
To promote reduction of greenhouse gases in households, measures are implemented to promote the heat insulation renovation of homes, dissemination of ZEH (Net Zero Energy House)...
Greenhouse Gases Reduction Action Program
Based on the “Ordinance relating to Sendai City Global Warming Countermeasures, etc. Promotion Plan”, businesses and the city...
Promotion of Sendai E-Action
In light of the experience during the Great East Japan Earthquake, which fuel supplies were severed and power supplies were interrupted for an extended period of time...
Green Infrastructure
In documents such as the Sendai City Basic Plan 2021–2030, which functions as the city’s guideline for community development, and the Sendai City Green Basic Plan 2021–2030...
Sendai Crisis Management Twitter Account
Disaster information, evacuation information, earthquake and tsunami information and notifications are tweeted on our account ...
Revision of Sendai City Guidelines for Management of Disaster-Generated Waste
These guidelines, which were developed in 2007, establish the procedure for processing disaster-generated...
Disaster countermeasures for critical infrastructure
The earthquake and tsunami caused water supply to be interrupted to roughly half of all households, while supply of city gas and electricity (provided by a private sector company) ...
Plan for the Promotion of Earthquake-proof Retrofitting in Sendai
In Japan, the Building Standards Act was revised in 1981 after the Miyagi-ken-oki earthquake, and new earthquake resistance ...
Disaster Prevention Administration Radio
Sendai’s disaster prevention administration radio can be broadly split into two types. A tsunami information transmission ...

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