SENDAI -Towards a Disaster-Resilient and Environmentally-Friendly City


SENDAI -Towards a Disaster-Resilient and Environmentally-Friendly City

Outcome summary of the 2024 Sendai Symposium for Disaster Risk Reduction and the Future

The City of Sendai held the " 2024 Sendai Symposium for Disaster Risk Reduction and the Future: Mid-point of the Sendai Framework – Acting Now, Acting Together " on March 9, 2024.

1. Date and Time:

March 9 (Sat), 2024 From 9:30 to 16:30

2. Venue:

Sendai International Center Exhibition Building, Sendai Ryokusaikan Visitor Center in Aobayama Park, etc.

3. Organizer:

City of Sendai

4. Supporter:

Miyagi Prefecture, International Research Institute of Disaster Science (IRIDeS) of Tohoku University

5. Event Composition:

■2024 Sendai Symposium for Disaster Risk Reduction and the Future
(1)Presentations:26 groups
(2)Online presentation:1 group
(3)Workshops:8 groups
(4)Exhibition booths and poster presentations:103 groups
(5)Disaster Support Vehicle Exhibition:1 group
(6)Stage programs
(7)Quiz campaign to become DRR Heroes
(8)DRR stamp collection campaign
(9)Special exhibition related to the 2024 Noto Peninsula Earthquake

6. Number of Admission

Approx. 4,100 people

7. Outcome Summary

We have entered the second half of the implementation period of the "Sendai Framework for Disaster Risk Reduction 2015-2030", which is why “Mid-point of the Sendai Framework – Acting Now, Acting Together” was chosen as the theme for this year’s symposium. This theme was selected with the objective of creating an opportunity to raise people’s awareness of the role of stakeholders.
In order to provide opportunities for participant and visitors to make connections, we built an open presentation area inside of the exhibition room where visitors can participate freely, and activities such as participant introductions were also carried out using that space.

At the opening of the symposium, in relation to the Noto Peninsula Earthquake that occurred on January 1, 2024, the Mayor of Sendai spoke on the importance of sharing the experience and lessons learnt from the past disasters through the “Sendai Symposium for Disaster Risk Reduction and the Future”. Meanwhile, MATSUOKA Yuki, the Head of the UNDRR Office in Japan, delivered a talk about the significance of citizen’s effort to achieve the goals of the Sendai Framework for Disaster Risk Reduction (DRR).

Throughout the day, presentations on various themes were held, such as on reconstruction and conveying experiences, stockpiling for women in times of disaster, and “multicultural disaster prevention”.
At the workshops, there were programs where participants could learn about DRR in a fun way, such as through card games and board games.
As for the booth exhibition, a lot of lively booths were ran by students.
Meanwhile, a wide range of visitors, from children to adults, participated in Bosai Rakugo storytelling in Tohoku dialect and “Bosaiensu Show”, combining “Bosai (Japanese word for DRR)” and “science”.

During the closing ceremony, youth reporters presented their impressions of interviews with attendees and visitors. In the forum summary by KURIYAMA Shinichi, the Director of the International Research Institute of Disaster Science of Tohoku University, he spoke about the importance of shifting our behavior so as to pass experiences and lessons onto future generations. Also, TAKAHASHI Shinichi, Vice Mayor of Sendai, expressed his gratitude for the support in holding the symposium.

In order to raise funds for those who are affected by the earthquake which happened in Noto Peninsula on January 1, 2024, donation boxes were set up in the venue of the Sendai Symposium for Disaster Risk Reduction and the Future 2024. After calculation, a total of 6,904 yen was raised for the cause. The money raised will be used as part of the Japanese Red Cross Society Emergency Relief Fund towards helping victims of the disaster. Thank you very much for everyone’s support and cooperation.

8. Aspects of the Event

  • Opening declaration
    Opening declaration
  • Presentations
  • Open presentation area
    Open presentation area
  • Workshops
  • Exhibition booths
    Exhibition booths
  • Poster presentations
    Poster presentations
  • Stage programs
    Stage programs
  • Quiz campaign to become DRR Heroes
    Quiz campaign to become DRR Heroes
  • Shachihata Inc. DRR stamp collection campaign
    Shachihata Inc. DRR stamp collection campaign
  • 青Exhibition at Sendai Ryokusaikan Visitor Center, Aobayama Park
    Exhibition at Sendai Ryokusaikan Visitor Center, Aobayama Park
  • Interview by youth reporters
    Interview by youth reporters
  • Closing Program
    Closing Program

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