SENDAI -Towards a Disaster-Resilient and Environmentally-Friendly City


SENDAI -Towards a Disaster-Resilient and Environmentally-Friendly City

Urban Development

Greenhouse Gases Reduction Action Program

Greenhouse Gases Reduction Action ProgramGreenhouse Gases Reduction Action Program

Based on the “Ordinance relating to Sendai City Global Warming Countermeasures, etc. Promotion Plan”, businesses and the city have cooperated to implement the “Greenhouse Gas Reduction Action Program” since FY2020 in order to achieve the phased reduction of greenhouse gases.

Regarding the “Greenhouse Gases Reduction Action Program” for reducing emissions from business activities, which account for approximately 60% of greenhouse gas emissions in urban area, subsidies are provided for introducing energy saving/renewable energy equipment and next generation vehicles with the goal to promote the wide participation of small and medium businesses, etc.
Also, city employees and external experts visit business establishments to facilitate the creation of greenhouse gas reduction plans and give detailed advice and assistance according to the type of business by providing individualized consultation.

InquiriesDecarbonization Management and Promotion Section

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