SENDAI -Towards a Disaster-Resilient and Environmentally-Friendly City


SENDAI -Towards a Disaster-Resilient and Environmentally-Friendly City

Human Capacity Building

Promotion of Disaster Risk Reduction Education


Since it is the job of people to protect themselves and their families and support the disaster risk reduction capability of communities at times of disaster, it is important to train people who can take appropriate actions at such times.
Following the Great East Japan Earthquake, Sendai City compiled its disaster risk reduction education policy and has implemented its own original disaster risk reduction education program at all municipal elementary and junior high schools since FY2016. All schools appoint a teacher in charge of disaster risk reduction, and supplementary readers for disaster risk reduction education describing Sendai’s original disaster risk reduction education are distributed to all children and used in lessons of various subjects.
In order to convey the lessons learned from the Great East Japan Earthquake, together with information on disaster risks faced in the area, the City conducts field trips to the Ruins of the Great East Japan Earthquake - Sendai Arahama Elementary School (involving all municipal elementary schools in Sendai since FY2022). Workshop-style classes are also run to give children a chance to think about regional disaster risks by themselves.

Supplementary Readers for Disaster Risk Reduction Education

This reading material was created to raise children’s awareness about disaster risk reduction and develop their ability to judge and act.
The material contains stories of children who experienced the disaster as well as questions about what to do in an emergency that will lead children to develop their independence.
It consists of three separate volumes, one for 1st to 3rd year elementary school students, one for 4th to 6th year elementary school students, and one for junior high school students, so as to deepen their understanding according to their developmental stage.

InquiriesEducation Center ,
Educational Bureau

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